Brisil has developed a technology to produce highly dispersible silica and precipitated silica from rice husk ash. The technology is a zero waste chemical process which uses rice husk ash as feed and produces precipitated silica and other by-products. The technology can extract up to 70% silica from the ash. The technology has already been commercialized. The technology can produce silica for all major applications, including tires, rubber, footwear, paints, coatings, toothpaste, food & pharmaceuticals.
Rice husk ash is a leftover generated after using rice husk as fuel in industrial boiler and power plants. Every year more than 20 million tons of rice husk ash is generated globally which is landfilled or dumped in open grounds, affecting the environment negatively. Our technology will use the ash and extract the advanced grades of precipitated silica, including highly dispersible silica from it.
Highly dispersible silica is an advanced grade of precipitated silica which is used in energy efficient green tires to improve the performance of tires. It reduces the rolling resistance of tires while improving the grip. It results in improving the mileage of vehicles while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from the vehicles.
The technology has various advantages over conventional precipitated silica production technologies. The conventional technology uses sand as a base material for silica whereas Brisil’s process uses rice husk ash as a base material for silica. The technology can produce better quality silica as compared to existing conventional methods.
Key advantages of the technology –Brisil’s technology has distinctive advantages over other silica production technologies. Some of the advantages are –

Tested & Proven Technology
Our technology has already been tested at pilot scale and commercialized. Brisil has set up commercial scale plants based on the technology in western India.

Highly Dispersible silica produced from our technology has already been validated by third party agencies & our clients.

A Green Technology
Our technology requires significantly lesser energy as compared to conventional silica production technology, making it a technology for better future.

We are an R&D focused organization continuously developing advanced grades of silica, to address requirements of our clients. We work closely with our clients while developing these products.

Consistent Quality of Product for all major applications
The quality of silica is one of the key criteria used to sell it in the market. It is very critical to get the consistent quality of silica to be able to meet the demand of end-user. Our technology can produce silica required for all the major end-user industries. We have already produced silica used by end-user industries. The process used to produce precipitated silica from our technology is completely automated which ensures consistent quality of the product as per the requirement of the user. .